
Friday, January 11, 2013


I'm pregnant!! We found out about a month ago- and couldn't be more excited! :) I've been sicker than a dog and even managed to lose weight. So I guess I can't complain ;) Good thing babies are worth everything you go through pregnant. I'm due on 8.10.13 so I'm in for a loooong hot summer!

8 weeks! gah. I've got such a long journey ahead!!

When I was pregnant with Jagger, Christy came with me for a photo shoot that I had scheduled for Kennedy. My poor photographer. Haha!

Where it all started!!
Christy and I pregnant with Hailey and Kennedy.
Our poor swollen faces

                                                                        Love- Chels


  1. Wow - congratulations, good luck and get plenty of rest!

  2. Congrats! You girls are adorable. I want to be the third best friend. haha

  3. Awww yayy!!! So happy for you!! And that cake party? Gah, so gorgeous. Thank you girls for stopping by on the blog hop! I'm your newest follower :)

  4. Congratulations so happy for you! I have a similar photo with my best friend and I. Face to face preggo bellies. You look gorgeous!
