Christy and I have always wanted to take the girls to Disneyland together so we finally decided to make it happen!! We had set the date and booked the flights without telling the girls- it was one of the hardest secrets we've ever had to keep! I think we only slipped up a couple times, but the girls never caught on. Early Sunday morning I woke Kennedy up and told her she needed to get ready. We had been telling the girls a couple days before that we would let them have a sleepover and go somewhere fun, so I told her today would be the day! It was so early she was so confused for a little bit, I just kept telling her to get up and get ready so we could go do something fun. She kept asking why it was still dark outside and I would just tell her I had no idea? Ha!
Christy and Hailey came over at 6 and we asked the girls what we should do for fun? And if they could go anywhere, where would they choose? Hailey said, ''Park City!!'' Christy told them to think of an even better place and Kennedy shouted- "DISNEYLAND!!!" We looked at each other and smiled and then told them, "YEP, WE'RE GOING TO DISNEYLAND RIGHT NOW!! :)"
At first Hailey was a little confused and very concerned that she didn't have clothes ;) Once they found out their suitcases were in the car they got so excited!
The four of us all ready to begin our adventure to Disneyland!!
Morning puffy eyes and all ;)
We're not morning people at all so it was a struggle to get up and be ready so early!
We got the girls a bag with cute stuff inside to keep them entertained on the airplane. They were more excited about the bags with surprises than when we told them about going to Disneyland! haha :)
We even let the girls sit together on the flight ;)
Waiting to get into our room!
Disneyland!! The first picture we took in front of the cute Mickey pumpkin :)
The girls were so excited to be able to go on a ride by themselves. Right as the ride was about to start the girl asked them how old they were. They were only 6 and apparently you have to be 7 to ride alone. They were bummed, but next time they should be able to!
Downtown disney! They loved Sephora- and their bright pink lipstick ;)

Our favorite part of the whole trip was Mickey's Halloween Party. We weren't going to originally do it since it's so much more money. We are SO glad we ended up doing it. We got to dress up and trick-or-treat around the cute little stores on Main Street and all over the park. Christy and I didn't have costumes so we ran to Target and got some to put together so we could dress up with the girls. It was so much fun!!
Kennedy and I were 80's girls, Hailey was a witch, and Christy was Cleopatra
We had SO much fun and hope to do it again. I really want to try and go at least every other year around Halloween. The park was decorated so cute!!