Chelsie Christy
Works part time as a dental assistant, full A single mom to a beautiful little girl and
time as a mamma of two, and a wife to a works full time as a nurse. Loves to do any
wonderful husband. A lover of leggings and type of craft especially if it involves spray
anything black. She has a love for fashion paint. Her dream is to travel the
but lacks the ability to put it all together. world and design wrapping paper.
We met in the 7th grade, but it wasn't until years later when we got really close. We both found out we were pregnant with little girls. Ever since then we have been inseparable. This blog is about our lives as best friends, our adventures, and craft projects.
you guys are geeks! but that photo is so darn cute.
ReplyDeleteI totally have the same pillow but in lime green! Pier 1 Imports? LOVE IT! And I LOVE this picture! So fresh and chic!
ReplyDeleteBest friends are the BEST ever! Mine best friend and I met in 4th grade... and even though we live such different lives (like completely!), we have become closer and closer as we get older. True friends are RARE blessings... I really believe this!
FAB blog ladies! Glad I found you!
You are both adorable! Can't wait to delve into your blog.
ReplyDeleteohmygosh! glad I came across your blog! what a great Idea! new follower :))